Citizen Vinyl

Record Factory • Cafe • Shop • Recording Studio • Event Space

Built in 15 months in 1938-1939, The Asheville Citizen Times Building was designed by architect Anthony Lord as the grand center for the city’s two newspapers and radio station WWNC. Located at 14 O’Henry Avenue, the massive three-story building of reinforced concrete, black granite and limestone is considered Asheville’s finest example of Art Moderne design. With soaring twenty-two foot ceilings, mezzanines with curved railings, and 20,000 glass blocks providing natural light and insulation, there is no other space like it in Asheville.
In 2019, Citizen Vinyl claimed the dramatic first floor and its decorative mezzanines as the future home of a vinyl record pressing plant, a bar/café and record store, as well as the third floor’s historic WWNC radio station studio, recently restored into a beautiful, modern analog recording studio and media lab.

Venue Details


14 O'Henry Ave

Acc. Entrance YESAccessible Toilet YES

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